
Tuesday 7 May 2019

TIED RIBBONS Lord Ganesha Statue with Matki Candle and Wooden Tray for Home, Office, Diwali Decoration and Gifts(17 cm X 19 cm, Golden)

Lord Ganesha Statue Home, Office, Diwali Decoration and Gifts ganesh gift items online lord ganesha idols for gift

Lord Ganesha Statue Home, Office, Diwali Decoration and Gifts

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  • Package Contents:1 Lord Ganesha Statue,10 Matki Candle,1 Wooden Tray
  • Material :- Figurine - Polyresin, Tray- Wooden
  • Hand-Cast and Hand-Painted: Superfine quality resin Figurine.the complet set is extremely elegant and beautiful. Each and every aspect of the product is exclusively made in india. A superior gift for the loved one's and an ineffable piece of art from the house of tied ribbons.
  • Care Instructions: Wipe with soft clean cloth, Avoid direct sunlight.
  • USES / OCCASION : Home Decor, Office Decor, Temple, Classroom Decoration, Birthday Gift, Wedding Gift, Anniversary Gift, Engagement Gift, Baby Shower Gift, Hindu God Gift, Diwali Gift, Teachers Gift, Thank you Gift, Home decor, House warming, Business Gift, Mother's day, Father's Day, New Year, Promotion, Retirement, Wedding, Valentine, Farewell, Graduation

Lord Ganesha Statue Home, Office, Diwali Decoration and Gifts ganesh gift items online lord ganesha idols for gift

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About the product:These figurine is made of high quality polyresin and enamelled with glossy colours to bring life to your home. This figure is brilliant example of art and the hard work done by the craftsmen is simply visible. Their finish is superb and is easy to maintain. It is an ideal gift for all age groups and enhances any home decor. Being a handmade product slight variation in colour and design may appear.It is a wonderful gifting option for Home Decor, Office Decor, Temple, Classroom Decoration, Birthday Gift, Wedding Gift, Anniversary Gift, Engagement Gift, Baby Shower Gift, Hindu God Gift, Diwali Gift, Teachers Gift, Thank you Gift, Home decor, House warming, Business Gift, Mother's day, Father's Day, New Year, Promotion, Retirement, Wedding, Valentine, Farewell, Graduation Packaging and process: We handpick and select our merchandisers after a thorough check. Thereafter, we make sure only quality product passes down to our esteemed customers. Each product is hand crafted and individually painted to meet the best possible standards of art. Packaging -after receiving orders, we make sure that the product reaches to you in perfect condition, hence quality corrugated box lined with bubble wraps and Thermacol are used to send them to your Doorstep.

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Product information

Technical Details
Item Weight200 g
Product Dimensions19 x 19 x 17 cm
Shipping Weight249 Grams
Item Model NumberTR-D18-GodsFigurines001
Item Part NumberTR-D18-GodsFigurines001
Primary materialResin
What is in the box?1 Lord Ganesha Statue,10 Matki Candle,1 Wooden Tray

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Lord Ganesha Statue Home, Office, Diwali Decoration and Gifts ganesh gift items online lord ganesha idols for gift 

Wednesday 9 August 2017

āŠ­āŠ—āŠĩાāŠĻ āŠķ્āŠ°ી āŠ—āŠĢેāŠķāŠœી āŠĻી āŠœાāŠĢāŠ•ાāŠ°ી

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Monday 20 June 2016

Lord ganesh

प्रणम्य शिरसा देवं गौरीपुत्रं विनायकम् ।
भक्तावासं स्मरेन्नित्यमायुः कामार्थसिद्धये ।।

Lord ganesh